Tuesday 17 May 2016

Overall experience With Macbeth

My overall experience of reading Macbeth was not very pleasant! I had to use a Line-for-Line translation version of the book! The original Shakespeare's Macbeth was composed with very absurd grammar. I must say, Shakespeare's grammar was worse than mine. Maybe the grammar in the old centuries was a tad different than the grammar expectations we have now. That's why I could not understand 80% of the original text of Macbeth. When I first started reading Macbeth, I did not have any interest in his ambitions since it was very clique. In medieval times, most generals and nobleman wanted to kill the king to steal their title. In the case of Macbeth, his wild ambitions increased gradually as he was granted to be the Thane of Glamis and Cawdor. Macbeth did not act with wisdom and patience. In the end, Macbeth got his karma by getting his head cut off by Macduff. In real life, what goes around comes around, and if it goes up it comes down. The lesson taught in Macbeth is experienced in our daily lives. If you did bad things, bad things will happen to you. This included; chase by nightmares, the feeling of constant fear and guilt and the desire of doing more evil deeds. When I was reading Macbeth, I always thought of myself as Lady Macbeth. We were so much alike! I used all my boyfriends for my own good and I am very good at manipulating people. In comparison to Lady Macbeth, I often felt no guilt of the evil deeds that I had done. I had a strong mind with no fear of anything in life. This means, I would not sleep walk or jump down a tower due to guiltiness. I also learned that people's wild ambitions will continue as they live. Macbeth's ambition was to become the King of Scotland and he did! Then, he had another ambition of killing off all the people that were shown in the evil prophecies of the witches.

I always believed in destiny. If something was meant to happen, it will happen no matter what you do! We cannot change our destiny, but we can choose better choices along the path. Macbeth's destiny was to believe the prophecies made by the witches. Macbeth becomes the King of Scotland by doing evil deeds. First, Duncan must be murdered or be sent away. Macbeth decided to kill Duncan and this scared Duncan's sons away. This ensured the crown will be belong to Macbeth. Next, it was destined that Banquo would be murdered and his son will escape during the attack. Then, it was destined that Macbeth would rush into killing Macduff's family while he was away. This led to the death of Macbeth, killed by revenge. It was destined that Macbeth would be consumed by his given power and overconfidence, which led to his death.

Lady Macbeth was more realistic and straightforward than Macbeth. Macbeth only had thoughts of becoming the King of Scotland by murdering the king. Lady Macbeth had the intentions and the plan to enlighten Macbeth to do the dirty work for her. I think Lady Macbeth wanted Macbeth to become the king, so she could have power as well. Lady Macbeth was way smarter than Macbeth, she believed in herself and her manipulation skills. While Macbeth believed in the words of others instead of his own inner goddess. Macbeth also had a weakness of proving himself to others. Macbeth let Lady Macbeth bring out the inner evil of him by calling him a coward. The most uneasy setting in Macbeth was the scene where Macbeth sent murderers to murder Macduff's innocent family. Personally, I could not stand any man that has no love for a woman. I also felt uneasy when Macbeth kept mentioning 'one born of woman'. Macbeth was given birth by his mother too! This made Macbeth sounded like he discriminate woman and his mother.

If I could make any changes to the play, I would not let the ending be a tragedy. I believe everyone is born with a good heart and this can be reverse back to its status quo. I would let the ending be; Macbeth realized all his evil deeds after the death of his wife and decided to change for good. Macbeth went to Macduff and confessed his crimes. Macduff forgave Macbeth for his honesty and bravery. Macbeth was imprisoned for the life time and Macduff found the evil witches to kill all of them. Ever since then, there were no generals or nobleman tried to kill the King of Scotland to steal his title. Everyone lived happily ever after! 

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